Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity helps those who want to pray enter deep within the Word of God. Here we discover the wonderful and astonishing will of God for all creation, especially for each of us. He has desires each of us to take up our part in His beautiful plan conceived before the world began, a plan that reaches beyond the end of time into the unexpected horizons of His love. What does God desire for us? God wants our lives to be beautiful, to be full of life, filled with love. Blessed Elisabeth believes that prayer is an essential part of this plan. For her, prayer is reaching out to Jesus who is already reaching out to us - it leads to a tender embrace, a loving communion, a friendship with no end- this is the ultimate end of the plan of God, the splendor He desires to cover us in - not just in the future, but right now in this moment in time - which she describes as eternity begun and still in progress. Blessed Elisabeth explains: “God chose us in Him before creation, that we should be holy and immaculate in His presence, in love. “Our created essence asks to be rejoined with its principle”, The Word, “the Splendor of the Father, is the eternal archtype after which creatures are designed on the day of their creation.” This is ‘why God wills that, freed from ourselves, we should stretch out our arms towards our exemplar and possess it,” “rising” above all things “towards our model.” “This contemplation opens” The soul “to unexpected horizons.” Click here for Episode 13 Beginning to Pray: “Heaven in Faith” Day 7 Prayer 1 – I would like to thank Kris McGregor for conducting these interviews and producing them as well as Miriam Gutierrez for providing “the voice” of Blessed Elisabeth for this series.
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