Rages that terrible battle, in deep
darkness, deceit, disdain, Divine
Obedience cries remain as
Rises undeterred the Shepherd's' Shadow
whose splendor unseen
Save under clouds of grace and glance as
Gains the dawn, this Day without End.
Though hard fought, costing
cruel crown and cross, crushed
obedience, hell's cacophony is silenced by Word's
Weakness ablaze in Uncreated Fire
And still the Lamb's concealing shade covers
Hidden hearts once dead, now
Born again, this Day without End.
Who rules Day and Night in power
Perfected? O Prince of Peace,
obedient praise of glory, worthy Lamb!
You reign by faith's secret. That hope invincible
unmasks scheme's smirk, causes crowns cast down, all under
that Mighty Shadow once slain,
Alive again, this Day without End.