What glory this fiery creature bears
In the bottom of that bottomless Abyss
A radiance, not her own, but in her radiant being!
She knows well that secret cellar
Where unseen the Furnace of Love humbly
envelops and begins boldly her own loving flame:
Nature's unaided eye cannot see - nescivi! -
As she passes into such ineffable Solitude,
Communion, Silence, Consuming, Consumed
of deep buried Three-ness and overflowing One-ness
Whose splendors evoke such praise!
Those celestial canticles, unheard hymns
resonate on such delicately touched lyre strings
with the Spirit incarnating, Father over-shadowing, enfleshed Light
whose love rebuilds, saves, sanctifies
What we destroyed.
But beckons she her friends with what wisdom
Wading into those depths
with fearless abandon
To sail, to plunge, to remain, to surrender
With her, that prey,
that communion of hearts,
That praise of glory!
(Thank you Kris McGregor and Discerning Hearts for providing a platform for St. Elisabeth of the Trinity's spiritual mission... And thank you for this beautiful video!)