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  • Writer's pictureDr. Anthony Lilles

Our Lady and the Battle for Blessings

A battle is being fought for blessings. Instead of the blessing that the world actually needs when war and atrocities abound, some ponder how to condone sin by cheapening sacred formulas into the jargon of a comfortable religious industry. While some want to abuse sacred power in an effort to bless what cannot be blessed, others fight for blessings of peace with their own blood. While some promote unchaste and, therefore, unholy alliances, others hold fast to all that is noble and sacred about humanity even at terrible price.

Our Lady is not indifferent. She has taken the side of her Son. As she aided Christendom when all seemed lost, she is at work today. In secret, she has formed armies of prayer warriors. Apostles of her love, their countless sacrifices have made space in the world for the glory of God to shine again. And they are not going to stop no matter the cacophony and confusion of those who have betrayed their offices as teachers. If only a single flash of this glory can end wars, what will happen when its splendor completely envelops all human affairs? The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph because the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot grasp it.

We need her prayers, and we need to join our prayers to hers for peace and truth. War grips the world even as many Church leaders lose hold of solid teaching. The elite grasp for power, pleasure and prestige, while the least of our neighbors are in the grip of thugs. These are dark shadows but if we allow the light of truth to shine, our biting consciences will help us come to our senses. Such is the victory of the Mother of God.

More than once visionaries reminded us that peace is a gift from heaven and but for prayer, it is easily lost. Provocations, invasions, treacheries, bloodlust, cowardice, greed, and vengeance; today all of this has overshadowed the noble self-restraint and prayerful reverence of God by which alone the blessing of peace is protected. Yet, oversexed talking heads dare to point baby-blood stained fingers at precisely the moment hands need to be folded in prayer. So, the Handmaid of Nazareth teaches the humble and the poor to fold their hands. And with her, they will triumph.

Do not think that the Mother of the Church stands by passively while evil deeds threaten the most vulnerable believers. She sees those false shepherds who, instead of crying out in prayer and fasting, concoct all kinds of manipulative confusion. Her maternal concern works fiercely even as the sacred institution of marriage is chipped away at. Her heart is pierced again not merely because this attack is waged by fierce forces intoxicated with progressive idealism (such forces will end by spending themselves on their own impotence) but above all because unchaste and troubled ecclesial leaders are given to wicked principalities and powers. When they slyly propose moral equivalencies between what God has instituted and man perverted, she boldly intercedes for those who dare to stand firm with the truth. And this woman who stood under the Cross will triumph.

She who magnifies the Lord remembers how, in Ancient Israel, false prophets and wicked priests attempted to bless what was evil. She is not ignorant of the fact that those who did not repent brought destruction on themselves and Israel. Icon of the Church, her very presence reveals that every effort to bless sin is no more than scandalous sacrilege before the One whose Name is holy. So she blesses what is good and declares the proud, mighty and self-satisfied cast down. And in the end, Her Son will not deny his Mother's prayers.

The whole Church is under the mantle of the Virgin who declared, "Let it be done to me." Every minister of the Gospel, of whatever rank, must bear this in mind when discerning whether to give a blessing. When they step away from reverence, awe and fear of the Lord , they step out of her maternal protection. In her shadow, neither violence nor perversion can be blessed for God's will is for peace and purity. But under this mantle, how blessed are those who suffer for justice and defend innocence! What beatitude awaits the pure of heart! And in the end, this ever-virgin Heart will triumph.

The One who is blessed among women knows that a blessing does more than stir up a sense of belonging and security. If done well, a blessing unleashes the glory of God on humanity and brings the structure of being into new harmony: time is touched with eternity, earth with heaven, the human heart with the Heart of God. If done poorly, the proclamation obscures the vision of God and robs even the most valiant of the strength needed in the face of death. So against every false blessing, the Virgin Mary is the maternal defender of the Church, the terror of demons, the tower of truth. And, over every evil, this Lady of Perpetual Help will triumph.

As she gratefully receives each "Hail Mary" of every rosary from prayerful lips, she remembers how a blessing is a kind of sacred speech—and all speech must be true or it is meaningless. Oh, how dangerous is meaningless words and how powerful meaningful speech! To approve perversion leads to heartless resentment and anxiety because the heart can only rest in truth. But for those who defend chastity, true love quells aggression, even if it is at the price of blood. To this end, the rosary is a weapon of love and truth, a ladder to mystical wisdom, a conduit for the mercy the world most needs. And in the end, those who declare her blessed will, with her Immaculate Heart, triumph.

So the Queen of Martyrs, Virgins, Saints and Angels gathers the heavenly hosts to follow the Lamb that was slain into battle. Let every minister today heed this Queen of the Rosary! Her virginity warns ministers that the blessing of sinful liaisons is a sacrilege that brings only woe, millstone and fire. Her obedience to God warns ecclesial leaders to humbly serve the truth. Her faithfulness unto the Cross warns them against wasting time on elaborate plots when war looms over the earth.

Christ gains nothing when souls are lost and so His Mother calls them to repentance. It is long past time to help her with prayer and sacrifice, vigil and fast. This loving Mother of the Redeemer blesses families who dare to enthrone her Son's Sacred Heart in their households, together with her own, for keeping marriage holy for man and woman, keeping the home sacred for life and innocence, such acts of courage open up, in the end, to whole new horizons of peace, blessings, triumph for all.

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