My Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. This is the last prayer of our master, of our Beloved.
May it be also ours: at our last moment and in every moment:
My Father, I place myself in your hands.
My Father, I entrust myself to you.
My Father, I abandon myself to you.
My Father, do with me what you please.
Whatever you make of me, I thank you.
Thank you for everything.
I am ready for all.
I accept all.
I am grateful for all.
Your will be done in me, my God.
Your will be done in
all your creatures,
all your children,
all those whom your Heart loves.
I do not desire anything else, my God.
I place my soul in your hands.
I give it to you, my God, with all the love of my heart,
I love You and need to give myself to you out of love.
I place myself in your hands without limits.
I place my self in your hands with infinite confidence,
You are my Father.
Blessed Charles de Foucauld