Today, many are concerned about confusion in the Church and a lack of confidence about how we are to live. Angry accusations fly back and forth like arrows poisoned and barbed. Violence rips at our communities and all kinds of aggression is unleashed in our homes. It is hard to bear with one another. We want peace but we lack the common ground we need to find it. For all the technology and information at our fingertips, we lack, among other spiritual things, the gift of understanding. Understanding is among the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, a characteristic of the Spirit of the Christ. The great Fathers and Doctors of the Church described this dynamic disposition of mind as perfecting the stand we take toward ultimate reality, God Himself. The gift is a readiness to be grounded by the Holy Spirit, an interior receptivity to His promptings that we need if we are to find our footing in prayer. The Gift of Understanding is a divinely inspired intellectual propensity to be purified concerning one's judgments about God and who He is. In ways that no mental gymnastics carried out under the impulse of reason can manage, this gift protects the soul against all kinds of idolatry by rooting it in the mystery of God's presence in real life. The Holy Spirit convinces us concerning sin and frees us to repent of it. All kinds of self-contradiction are laid bare as the ear of the heart attends to the surprising freshness of the Holy Spirit's secret judgments, especially about those things with which we would rather not have to deal. But the mind raised in love can no longer put things off. Dissipation and dullness recede before this unfamiliar radiance. This movement of the Holy Spirit leaves the soul speechless because it has rendered the mind vulnerable to splendors so wonderful no word can express them. All at once, this mysterious rectification of the mind sobers and inebriates, humbles and exalts, bows down and lifts up. The mind under the influence of this movement of the Holy Spirit penetrates the deep things of God even to the point that one's whole life is intensified and a source of intensification for others. Falling in adoration, one finds one's proper footing for prayer.
The Gift of Understanding is about standing in the shadow of our crucified God. It is about seeing the invincibility of the Father's love in the face of our sin at the foot of the Cross of Christ. It is about drinking in the deep things of God flowing from the pierced heart of Christ. This gift is about the freedom to be astonished and gripped by divine tenderness in all kinds of unexpected ways.