The Invasion of the Eucharistic Word
The Eucharistic Word invades
In the solemn mirth
Of this very moment,
Under a multitude of veils,
Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity
Rejected but undaunted,
Resounding with meaning - faith’s secret orientation point
Amidst the rush of change,
Through the profane, Light blazes its trail of glory.
In the beginning, we hear these silent
Magnitudes of majesty,
In hidden untold splendor,
Bursting forth the more
Betrayed, denied, abandoned,
Suffering to be suffered,
By a surrendered heart, that patiently
Bears his love lavished soft on
Beatitude's breathing.
Before this fulness of life,
a soul can ache with
Such sadness and joy in adoration -
At once enkindled, overflowed, overwhelmed
By those harmonies
As still remain to be heard:
Throw down your crown, fall on your knees - ah those
Hymns, anthems, canticles becoming
That heart, who raises whole creation into
Dawn's brightness.