To prepare spiritually for Christmas, the Catholic Church contemplates the coming of the Lord in history, mystery and at the end of time. That is why the period before Christmas is called "Advent." During Advent it is good to spend a day in prayer or recollection, especially when the frenetic consumerism of our society is constantly pulling us away from what really matters. Just such a day has been organized on Saturday, December 12, from 9:30am to 4:00pm to which I would like to invite you:
The Virgin Mary in the Wisdom of the Saints
Dr. Anthony Lilles
Advent Day of Recollection in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Saturday, December 12, 2009, Camp St. Malo, Colorado This day of recollection will consider this spiritual maternity of Mary as a special grace that prepares us for Jesus’ coming anew into our lives. We will consider together how Mary magnifies Jesus for those who want to find Him and she helps us to rejoice in Him. In particular, looking to the wisdom of the saints and mystics, we will consider the gift of prayer that Mary helps us receive. These reflections are especially offered for those looking to deepen their prayer life before Christmas. The day will begin with mass celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe, the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary which became a sign of conversion for the world. The day will also include three presentations: 1. Mary of Nazareth's pilgrimage of faith according to John Paul II, 2. The Virgin's Contemplation of Christ according to St. John of the Cross, and 3. The Mother of God in our Life of Prayer according to St. Bernard Schedule: 9:30am Mass in the Stone Chapel 10:30am First Conference 12:00pm Lunch 1:00pm Second Conference 2:00pm Break 3:00pm Third Conference and Rosary 4:00pm Departure To register (before December 7), contact: Catholic Biblical and Catechetical School 1300 South Steele Street Denver, Co 80210 303 715-3195 Phone